Believe it or not, if you train very hard everyday, your times will actually get worse. This is called overtraining. When you push your body to the limits every practice and don't give yourself time to recover, your body will go into survival mode conserving its energy for vital functions, and not for whatever you are training for. Soon, your body will get confused when you don't stop the training, causing messed up blood levels and extreme fatigue. EXtreme fatigue, I know from personal experience, to the point of sleeping on metal bleachers in the sun, only getting up when you have to run your event. As the fatigue comes, so does the lack of apetite, overtrained athletes eat a whole lot less, propogating the cycle even farther. Naturally, when your body is in all of this havoc, your times will become horrible. If you are a high-school athete like me, your coach will just push you even harder, even though that just drives the times even higher. So, stop the cycle of overtraining, and maybe you won't end up in the ER like I did (abnormal blood levels). Here are the signs
1. extreme fatigue (i.e. going to bed at 6pm every night)
2. abnormal blood levels (only a doctor with a needle can tell you that)
3. poor performance (even though you are training harder than ever)
4. loss of happiness with the sport (huge desire for season to end)
5. fear of competion (more than normal nervousness, full internal panic)
Gartenideen Fur Kleine Garten
5 years ago
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