Anorexia. Believe it or not, anorexia is about a lot more than just trying to look like a human skeleton. It isn't a "satan spawn of the media". Anorexia is more like a coping device for life. When most people get mad they call up their freinds, play a game of football, or just scream into their pillow. But what if, just what if, you can't get those releases and just feel the pressure build up inside you, like a balloon, ready to burst. Life isn't going to change for you, the pressure keeps coming, and you feel like you are scum of the earth. There is one thing you can change though... what you eat. Suddenly, you have a purpose, something you can do that releases that big balloon of stress, lose weight. With every hunger pang, every extra sit-up there comes a bit of gratification "I am succeeding, nothing can stop me!". The pressure goes and your whole life revolves around trying to skip meals and fit in extra workouts. Your appearence becomes emaciated, and people start to notice. You feel like you are actually pretty for once, but there is always that little bit of fat on your arms that needs to GO. Happiness and thinness start to mean the same thing, and you are suddenly never satisfied. There is an unsatiable appetite to lose weight, to feel HAPPY again, with every bite you eat, you feel like you are letting yourself down. The happiness never comes either.
i just really want people to relate with anorexics a little better... sorry for writing it in 2nd person POV!
Gartenideen Fur Kleine Garten
5 years ago
Thats really cool how you wrote that