Tuesday, June 2, 2009
It is possible to train too hard!
1. extreme fatigue (i.e. going to bed at 6pm every night)
2. abnormal blood levels (only a doctor with a needle can tell you that)
3. poor performance (even though you are training harder than ever)
4. loss of happiness with the sport (huge desire for season to end)
5. fear of competion (more than normal nervousness, full internal panic)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
new project...
Yet another germinative genetic disorder is Turner's syndrome. These girls are only born with one X chromosome instead of the usual two. They are generally short, and have a really hard time developing their ovaries and other female organs. Unfortunantly, doctors can't do much about this disorder except prescribing growth hormones to counter-act the height change, and in-vitro ferilization to the individuals who would like to have children.

There are some interesting autosomal disorders however, like cri du chat, a disorder where part of chromosome 5 is deleted. Individuals with cri du chat can't cry because of their deformed larnyx, all thProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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can make is a mewing sound. Children with cri du chat also have deformed faces, like low set brow-ridges and wide-spaced eyes. Cru di chat also effects the development of the children, making it hard for them to develop muscularly and speech-wise. However, cru di chat can be combatted with plastic surgeries and a variety of therapies.

Have you ever seen "The Grinch?". Well, if you have hypertrichosis, you will look
a lot like him. Hypertrichosis is a rare autosomal disorder on chromosomes 24 to 27. These individuals body hairs grow in the way that animal fur does, giving them the appearence of werewolves. There have only been a few cases of hypertrichosis, so nobody knows if a certain race is more predisposed to it than others. The only treatment for hypertrichosis is shaving or advanced hair removal treatments.

Some children "grow up to fast", but for kids with Progeria, an autosomal defect on chromosome number one, they literally start aging at 1 year old. Kids with progeria (they normally don't live until 13) have beaked noses, wrinkly body and low body fat and bear a striking resembalence ot the elderly. They also go through arthritis and weak bones. As progeria is so rare, we still don't know who is predisposed to this mutation. Currently there is no treatment for this rare disease.

Dwarfs are not magical creatures. In fact, some babies are born with primordial dwarfism, an autosomal defect on chromosome number 23. These people never grow to above 4 foot 11, and are perfectly porportioned, just miniture. Problems with the bones, like sclerosis have been reported but were not disabling. Anybody can be born with primordial dwarfism, it is pretty rare though. Doctors have no cure for primordial dwarfism, but it is not very hazardous.

A video about the girl in the picture
Some people are born with freaky looking eyes and teeth. These people have Rieger's syndrome, another autosomal defect affecting chromosomes 4 and 13. Individuals with this rare disorder have strange cloudy looking eyes and defected teeth. As this disorder is not very seriuos, nobody has researched if anybody is predisposed to it, or if there is any cure.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Why Usain Bolt is fast and Lance Armstrong never stops
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Stop being scared of Genetic Engineering
So screw those other people!!!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Oylmpic mile champion doped
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
the TRUTH about anorexia
i just really want people to relate with anorexics a little better... sorry for writing it in 2nd person POV!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Chocolate Milk is the New Gatorade
Oylimpic Medalist, Micheal Phelps drank chocolate milk in between his races, look how well it worked for him. I drank chocolate milk after my 7 mile practice today and I still had the energy to write this blog...
Also, chocolate milk is WAY more delicious than those weird carbo recovery slushy things...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
How overtraining REALLY works...
It is said that overtraining effects the automatic nervous system, which is responsible for heart rate and blood pressure. There are two parts, the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system.
What the sympathetic nervous system does in response to overtraining.
-Increases resting heart rate
-Increases blood pressure
-Increases caloric needs
-Causes lack of apatite
the sympathetic nervous system seems to be preparing the body for a time with little food and lots of stress...
What the parasympathetic nervous system does in response to overtraining
-Early fatiguing
-Rapid heart rate after exercise
the parasympathetic nervous system is preparing our body to be lazy whenever it can, which is good for survival, but not for soccer
Hormones are also tweaked out in times of bodily stress
-Cortisol increases (and slows recovery)
-Testosterone decreases (slowing recovery even farther)
In fact, this flip-flop of cortisol and testosterone make it so that the body eats its own muscle for energy, which would be vital in a life-death situation.
Muscle cells are among the most effected by overtraining however
-Muscle tears increase (muscle tears are the leading cause of soreness)
-Lactic Acid builds up (the other cause of soreness)
-The muscles have less oxygen delivered to them
-Gylcogen and Creatine stores become depleted (the sources of energy in exercise)
This is caused by the body essentially giving up on the muscles, and focusing on the internal organs and brain.
The body is under so much stress during overtraining that it even decreases the body's antibodies, greatly supressing the immune system. Thats why so many athletes get colds all the time. So overtraining is actually a preprogramed bodily response, that is good for surviving, but not so good for trying to get that state championship.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
a. introduce a new gene into an organism (like one that resists salmonella)
b. replacing a mutated gene with a healthy one (like replacing a mutated earlobe gene with a healthy one)
c. selectively massacre genes that are dysfunctional (like extra fingers and toes)
Immunotherapy is basically like slowly closing a room in onto a clausterphobic person; because in immunotherapy, small amounts of an allergy (like peanuts) are administered to a poor soul (allergic to peanuts) that does not want his/her allergy anymore. As the shot amount starts to increase over time, the individual feels a lot less of the symptoms when he is given the allergen (or force-fed peanuts). It is pretty primative, but it reduces allergy symptoms.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Lactic Acid Scapegoat?
Friday, March 13, 2009
free videos/songs that are legal!
in order to put youtube videos on your ipod/computer
google: free youtube to mp3 converter
in order to put the sounds from youtube videos on your ipod/computer
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Stem cells
Blogger is being difficult
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
reasons for empathy
Saturday, February 21, 2009
why we like unhealthy food.
Many of us humans die of obesity caused heart disease every year. Mainly because our bodies prefer unhealthy food. But why?
When we were cavemen, the swet fruits were more nutritious, so we generally preffered the sweet taste. The brain also need glucose to function. Unfortunantly, this later led to us growing sugar cane and developing type 2 diabetes to satisfy our sweet teeth.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
people carry millions of bacteria. and they are nice!
The most numerous cells in our body are microbial--they outnumber our cells 10 to 1. The body has microbes native to the body, including the skin, and these populations change according to how we live, he says. "Ultimately what we want to do is compare disease and health," says Dr. Blaser. Keeping bacterial populations in our body stable may be part of staying healthy, he says.
so, don't goop on all that sanitizer because bacteria are as important as human cells
Friday, February 13, 2009
Running makes people high
When person runs, swims, cycles and performs any other strenuous exercise, pituitary gland releases endorphins: chemicals that release feeling of euphoria and that block sensations of pain. Endorphins are very closely linked to addictions, they were even discovered by accident when scientists were carrying out research on addictions and drugs. Researchers discovered that human brain contains its own neuro-chemicals, which are far more potent than heroin, opium and morphine. They also discovered that endorphins release in times of stress – in case of runners: after strenuous running. Endorphins make runner feel great after exercise and this effect is often referred as 'runner's high'. And it doesn't stop there: endorphins are also motivational. They namely help runner to feel energized throughout their whole day.
so... I think thats why people like to run
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
help solve world hunger for free
for every question you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to people in need.